Cast Your Nets

by | Sep 26, 2020 | Prophetic words, dreams and visions | 0 comments

The year 2020 has been a year of many challenges.  The world became subject to a virus that, in spite of a 99.5% survival rate, locked down small businesses, sent school children home, and put masks over what was, in the Jewish calendar, the “year of the mouth.”  Having spent many hours in meditation on the Lord’s word and in the quiet where I hear His voice, I found myself moving slowly through the Four Gospels known as Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.  Although I had set a goal to complete the entire Bible in a year, it was in this slower lane time that the Lord ministered many wonderful things to my heart.

One example was found in Chapter 5 of the Book of Luke.  Oh, how many times I have thought I had known so well the story of Jesus asking Peter, James, and John to return to the boat and cast off.  This represents a story of faith in God and to take action even when, in the natural, the outcome looks bleak.

Cast Your NetsAfter fishing ALL NIGHT, Jesus comes along and gets in the boat.  Peter, James, and John are away washing their nets.  They must have been exhausted.  Fishing nets are heavy and the night air and rock of the boat can wear the body.  Fishermen fished at night on the Sea of Galilee due to the heat of the day.  At night, fish were easier to catch as they came closer to the surface.  There had been no catch that night.  Along comes Jesus asking them to cast off again and let down the nets they had just washed.

Yet………They cast off and cast their nets.  Even so, Peter made it clear of the toil all night with no success.  Yet, Peter said, “Nevertheless, at Your word, I will let down the net.”

Obedience, anyway, in spite of the seeming failure and regardless of the physical exhaustion or mental feelings of defeat.

And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish!  The net was breaking because there were so many! How much the three must have been delighted and their exhaustion turned to adrenaline and a surge of growth in their souls.

Next, Peter fell down at Jesus’s feet to acknowledge his sinful doubt.  Jesus replied,
“DO NOT BE AFRAID.  From now on, you will catch men.” (Luke 5:10)

The miracle of the large catch was the catalyst that brought the three to serve Jesus completely.

And here comes what I love about spending time with the Lord and His word.  He connects His word to my life.  In my spirit, I felt a connection to our current events. The Holy Spirit began to release connections and ministry to my soul as well as other scriptures.  What I received is that we are in a time i our nation where much effort is being made to keep our nets (Constitution) mended.  Legal battles have resembled the all night labor to catch up the right yield to save our democracy.  Darkness has loomed this year with threat of a dismal dawn.  Many who love democracy and integrity are weary, licking their wounds, some even conceding that the effort is lost.

As I ponder this, I hear the Savior’s call to “DO NOT BE AFRAID.”  I declare to that hearing that I believe in My Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, King of Kings, my High Priest, Lord of Lords, the Author and Finisher of my Faith, my rock, my Redeemer, my Vindicator.

Including but beyond the political battle is the hour of not only a  great restoration of our country as well as the harvest of many souls to Christ.  As a follower of Jesus, I have been called to let down my net and invite the body and those who seek Jesus and, in His words, say,  “Do not be afraid.”


Whether you have ever ministered to others, you are a minister.  Do not worry what to say.  Be as God told Moses.  Open your mouth and let God deliver the words GOD wants.  Allow God to use you whether it be for your country or to share your testimony to win someone to the Lord.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.”  Proverbs 3:5. This is not a time for countdown but shakedown!  Stand on your principles and know God is there with you.

Exodus 4:11
So the Lord said to Moses, “Who has made man’s mouth?  Or who makes the deaf, the seeing, or the blind?  Haven’t I, the Lord?  Now therefore, go, and I will be your mouth and teach you what you should say.”

Beloved, God has equipped each of us with gifts and resources.  Just like Peter, obey and let out that which He has told you to do.  If you do not know your purpose, ask Him.  Jesus said, “Ye have not because you ask not.” (James 5:16)    Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. (Matthew 7:7)


Keep Casting Your Net!



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